Among Oasi’s main activities:
Collaboration with the Department for the Promotion of Social and Health Services of Roma Capitale in the following projects:
- Inter-district special Unit in support of minors and parents;
- “Monitoring Unit” in accordance with law 285/97;
- Technical support to the “Monitoring Unit” project for the implementation of the Social Plan;
- Dematerialization of administrative documents for the implementation of the efficiency and transparency;
- Activities to increase transparency and accessibility of services for citizens;
- Technical assistance for the management of Elderly Residences and Day Care Services;
- Suport to the project Active Citizenship.
Collaboration with the Department for Educational services and school of Roma Capitale, in the project “Action Research for the development of Adolescent’s Day Care Services”.
Partnership with Social Farms Network in the project “Open Social Camps: an experimental path for social inclusion of troubled minors”.
Under the LLP – Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, Oasi is partner of the project “REdHous NET – Romani people and Educational and Housing policies: key links to share”.
Partnership with LUMSA University, (Department of Human Sciences) for the implementation of the graduate courses: Stakeholders Management in the social services system; Interventions and Policies for Youth.
Organization of the Training Course “Introduction to European Project Planning (2011/2012).